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Don't Shoot Yourself! Download Windows 10 Free


About This Game Your bullets are your own worst enemy in this never seen before puzzle SHMUP.You are inside a small ring where you must avoid your bullets as they bounce off different kinds of walls. The levels come in all shapes and sizes and are made up of walls that reflect your bullets in all sorts of ways. Once you fire 100 bullets you shoot the magic bullet that breaks through the barrier letting you pass to the next level. 7aa9394dea Title: Don't Shoot Yourself!Genre: Action, Indie, StrategyDeveloper:Silverware Games, Inc.Publisher:Silverware Games, Inc.Release Date: 10 Apr, 2015 Don't Shoot Yourself! Download Windows 10 Free Fan f-ing DanceI was on board with this game up until one of the last levels in which the game rotates your mouse control (that's the only way I can rationalize it; in practice it feels like you have no control) with no UI and the result is an unplayable level, even on easy. The game was hard but possible up until Fan Dance, so that's still a good 1-3 hours of content depending on what difficulty you play on. But Fan Dance is terrible game design and definitely soured the experience, especially considering it's so close to the end.Get it on sale.. My First Play Gameplay Video & Review: https:\/\/\/watch?v=x6AexXpYlcMThis game is super original, and offers through the roof levels of fun!It looked pretty good to me watching the preview video, but that doesn't do this game justice at all because it is soooo much fun to play!Super simple. Just move the mouse. No powerups, No character creation, no inventory, just old school arcade gaming goodness! There is not even the use of a mouse button required except to choose what level and difficulty you want to play on. The gameplay itself is just dodging your automatic stream of bullets reflection all over the increasingly more challenging level designs. This game offers you 60 levels with 3 difficulty levels each to master! Don't shoot yourself! LOL!!My video linked above demonstates this game pretty well I believe. Give it a view, and make up your mind!My rating at this point: 88% and a "Must-Buy" for any old school arcade\/action game fans who enjoy a game that is super simple to learn but difficult to master! Easily worth it's price tag!. its pretty good, I found that due to the game being mouse driven some of the mechanic made things more chaotic than they should have been e.g I went through a teleporter but my mouse didn't move so my character attempted to zip back to where my mouse is and then I lost because it ran into some bullets. Aside from constantly beating levels obviously atypically to how the level design would suggest, it is a fun little puzzler that should be an app but is good enough of a game to feel right at home in my steam library.. This is an early stage review of \u201cDon\u2019t Shoot Yourself!\u201d, which I\u2019ve only played for 2 hours.A difficult game to categorize. Partly \u201carcade\u201d, perhaps. Certainly largely \u201cpuzzle\u201d, certainly, for reasons to soon be explained. It begins with Tier 0, of seemingly 6 tiers (0-5) of 10 scenarios each. Each scenario consists of a named layout, or game field to try to beat, each with three skill levels: Normal (1 star), Hard (2 stars) and Impossible (5 stars!). That\u2019s important, so I\u2019ll clarify. Impossible counts 5 TIMES as much as Normal, and 2 and a half times as much as Hard. Each tier ends with a boss scenario that has to be defeated to move to the next tier. But it\u2019s not that simple. To even access each boss, a cumulative number of stars must be acquired. On Tier 0 this is a very easy proposition. Few of the Normal skill level puzzles are difficult at early levels. Some early level scenarios are almost stupid easy, all the way through Impossible. This led me to believe my money had been poorly spent. I was hasty.Each scenario requires the player to use the mouse to move a cursor forward, shooting a stream of bullets to the rear. Once 100 bullets have been fired, the scenario has been defeated at that skill level. That number of stars, 1, 2 or 5, is added to the total. What makes this game interesting is the fascinating differences in the scenarios, and the ways the bullets react to the walls and barriers they encounter in each. Imagine invisible walls (Glass Ceiling), or backgrounds of which more than 50% are opaque (Hourglass.) Or in many cases, lines that can be followed, or must be followed, or a combination. Barriers to the bullets, barriers to the player. \u201cWormhole\u201d type walls. Bullets that fly off walls they strike, or that shoot back at the player at high speeds. Fortunately, the bullets do eventually shrink or fade away, and it\u2019s simply necessary to avoid them long enough. It generally seems to be OK to hit them, just not for them to hit you. And, oh yes, the boss levels are harder.The reason I called this a puzzle game is that any scenario can conceivably be difficult, if the proper logic is not applied. From what I\u2019ve seen, many levels aren\u2019t just impossible in name, but in action, without determining and applying that specific logic. With it, some of them almost instantly become the described \u201cstupid easy\u201d. And that is very fortunate, because it doesn\u2019t take long until the cumulative number of stars required to access the next boss, thereby giving one the chance to open the next tier, grows almost exponentially. Admittedly, this isn\u2019t typically my kind of game, where the movement of the cursor is so precise. I have very little experience, so the difficulty I describe may be mine alone. The math, however, is not. After 2 hours I have a total of 9 Impossible, 11 Hard and 9 Normal, for a total of 76 stars. I need 4 more stars to access the third level boss, and I\u2019m stumped. (Perhaps YouTube is an admission of failure, but I have a cash investment here. PC is a new port, so no telling if that\u2019s even an option.) Here\u2019s the problem. To access the 4th level boss, assuming that level is even more difficult and I may have to accept Normal wins on every 4th level scenario prior to the boss, it will be necessary to have beat skill level Impossible on almost EVERY preceding puzzle on all 3 prior levels. And I can\u2019t imagine that will be easy for anyone. Again, I\u2019m wondering if my money was poorly spent.A very hard, very frustrating game, at least for me. But certainly interesting intellectually. And very satisfying when that \u201ctrick\u201d suddenly comes to light, and victory is so very simple. Hopefully, that possibility continues throughout \u201cDon\u2019t Shoot Yourself!\u201d. A simple looking yet, with the difficulty set just about right, it will be your biggest and biggest bullet hell nightmare ever! As I stated before, this game looks simple, controls very basicly but can still give you hours of fun.The soundtrack is also pretty great and fits the feel of the game pretty well. 10\/10 would shoot myself again!Watch me play it right here if you want to see more of the game:https:\/\/\/watch?v=iVh_GUHOL-g. Altough the game looks pretty nice, and the trailer made me buy the game. I have to say I didn't find the game very entertaining. I never really play it.. Great Game. At first the only thing the game has going for it is its concept and dodging your own bullets is a very interesting mechanic that changes even with the slighest change in level shape which is mainly what the first world is but it's done cleverly so the tight spaces do add to the difficulty and enjoyment of the game. Avoid cheaters is a great level as im not entirely sure if your own bullets are being reflected off the walls or if new bullets are being added. however it is a very visceral level and it is the first level where it really felt like it was more than the environment that was a challenge. the subsequent boss however is incredibly fun. Looks like it fits right at home on ios. I suppose the best way to play this would be on ios or android with a bluetooth controller but the controls are fluid and I played on a laptop so my game was portable enough. Can't wait to play the rest of it.. This game is a twist to the normal gameplay of other games. Bullets usually help you on your quest for whatever, this twists it up a little. Most of the stages required me to figure out how to do them. The boss fights are very diffcult. This is a challenging game that requires you to think. A lot.. I love the game 10\/10it is a great game that you can just play whenever you don't know what to do. It is easy to get into and enjoy. The levels are hard, complex and fun to figure out.However, you should be able to turn off the hints and let the player figure it out. And if he realy wants hints you should be able to press a button to access it.. Clever idea and looks great


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